Friday, May 26, 2017

Almost 17 hours?!

Last night my brother sent me one of these "Top Ten Lists" from youtube...
Top ten of the longest flights across the globe. I guess it is a looooong way from Atlanta to Johannesburg...we rated # 3...from the top!

And, no, I am not going 1st class, aka Jennifer Anniston stumbling around looking for the bar and shower.

Also last night, I started listening to an audiobook of African Travel Safari adventures (or misadventures). as in the elephants really wanting the road you are on, or hippos getting a bit too close to the canoe, or the friendly (?) hyena who roams about the camp.

I am sure none of this will happen to me. (Fingers crossed!)

1 comment:

Possibly the the most beautiful city in the world...Cape Town

After weeks of rising before dawn, riding over dusty bumpy roads and being confined to a jeep because our lives literally depended on it... ...