Monday, May 22, 2017

Five-Day Countdown . . . Must Get Serious About Packing

Small duffle where I am supposed to pack for 3 weeks . . . ha, ha, ha!

Rick Steves swears by packing cubes . . . will give them a try.

Documenting electronics for insurance purposes . . . does this seem excessive? There is a super zoom bridge camera (just read where someone in Zimbabwe was flattened by an elephant), a waterproof camera for some dugout (read very unstable) canoe ride, a MiFi for a lame attempt to get internet where there is a cell tower (good luck with that), and of course, my trusty iPad to send out future reports from the wild.

And of course, all the things that keep life civilized. (Can you believe the tour company suggested condoms? Uh, I don't think so.) 


  1. I promise you're packing wrong. Cubes maybe, but you're too bulky. My roomies used to have me pack their bags when we'd go on trips. Good luck. Have fun. Make good choices and learn lots.

  2. Thx, Taura!
    Yes, packing is important. I will strive to reduce some of the bulk.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Reminds me of the 11 pounds backpack which was my companion for a 6-month trip a few years ago.

    To be honnest, a found pounds of my stuff went in my husband's backpack which was a little bit bigger.

    My advice if you need to reduce : I would not take the Mifi and the Ipad (I comfortably blogged the equivalent of a 500-pages book on my Iphone)

    Only 5 days left before departure you must be very excited !

    1. Thank you Emilie! Maybe my next trip will be to see you!


Possibly the the most beautiful city in the world...Cape Town

After weeks of rising before dawn, riding over dusty bumpy roads and being confined to a jeep because our lives literally depended on it... ...