Saturday, May 20, 2017

Seven Days and Counting

Karolyn DuBois, my traveling companion
After a year of researching options, making reservations, getting inoculations, and chatting back and forth with my travel companion, Karolyn, a friend with whom I worked in Florida, I have finally arrived at the one-week countdown to Africa. Whew!

Camera batteries are charged, compulsory tiny duffle mostly packed, and a massive amount of reading/listening material downloaded to occupy the 17-hour flight.

I suppose if I were the Queen of England or the Sultan of Abu Dhabi, some underling would pack for me. But, no, I am just me and I must pack myself. Because weight is very limited (small planes to crisscross the continent), I must choose very carefully what is essential and what I can do without . . . which is why smart packing is so important.

A few humorous observations in the form of Fashion Do's and Don'ts:
  • Don't wear white . . . it gets dirty. 
  • Don't wear black or blue . . . they attract tsetse flies. 
  • Don't wear camouflage . . . it's illegal in some countries and you could be arrested. 
And that, my friends, leaves beige, khaki, sand (or whatever you want to call dull, boring tan). 

Also, a word of caution for those of you planning your own trip:  Don't Read Too Much about the Wildlife!

As a wildlife lover and certified-tree-hugger, I have enjoyed getting acquainted with all the flora and fauna Africa can offer . . . well, almost all. Here in Mississippi as well as in Florida, I could identify all the poisonous snakes and frequently encountered them in my pursuit of adventures. Well, after studying ALL the poisonous snakes of Southern Africa, I decided that for all practical purposes, I would classify ALL as poisonous! 

Until we meet again! 


  1. Have a safe and wonderful journey! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your trip~

  2. Kiss a giraffe for me! (with a picture)


Possibly the the most beautiful city in the world...Cape Town

After weeks of rising before dawn, riding over dusty bumpy roads and being confined to a jeep because our lives literally depended on it... ...