Saturday, July 15, 2017

Dr. Livingstone, I presume?

                                      Livingstone with two of his loyal African friends, Chuma and Susi

The story of Livingstone is fascinating...I read books about him and Stanley while in Africa.
Livingstone was an MD who loved the African natives, and an ordained minister who preached along his treks. His final journey was to find the headwaters of the Nile. Just that he survived so long in Africa is a testament to his mental and physical ability.

We flew from the relatively small town of Livingstone, Zambia to our next camp in Kafue National Park.
One Zambia's most impressive parks, Kafue was one of the first to join an initiative to link the national parks of five African countries into what will eventually become a 108,000 square mile park, known as the Kvango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area.

Lufupa Tented Camp turned out to be one of our favorite camps as it overlooked the confluence of the  Lufupa and Kafue rivers.

Along with the normal game drives, we were taken by boat up and down river.
Yes, plenty of hippos, crocs and colorful birds along the shoreline.

Midway of one of the boat trips, we were surprised by a pop up luncheon. Loved all the dining al fresco!

Sleeping under a mosquito net was not as easy as one would think...and we joked about the holes in them that would not have kept a mouse out!

Finally, hated to leave Zambia, but on to Zimbabwe for our final safari destination.
Our trip leader was from Zimbabwe and you could tell he was getting excited to be close to home as he had been gone for 3 weeks.

Stay tuned for an interesting story about our fearless leader!

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