Friday, July 21, 2017

Visting a real African village in Zimbabwe

Our very last safari location in Zimbabwe was one of the more interesting.

Because the country is still in the grip of decades long dictatorship under Robert Mugabe, I expected to see (and be intimidated by) menacing armed guards everywhere.
What I saw and experienced instead were a delightful real village and an elementary school of smiling faces.

I was told this was the communal toothbrush...they all did have very nice teeth!

The kids at the school were just too cute...and very well behaved.

The lodge sold locally made wooden carvings and used them to set the table...yes, I bought one!

Here is our fearless leader letting us try fried caterpillar and a local beer to wash it down.
Caterpillar revolting...sad to say.

Finally, a proper Zimbabwean good bye with drums, singing and dancing.

Who knew the town of Victoria Falls was in Zimbabwe?

Leaving our last safari location was sad...I really enjoyed eating, sleeping and bathing so close to so many wild animals. Until we meet again...

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