Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Greetings from Thornybush Game Reserve

I'm not in the vehicle, but I could be. Wish I could upload pictures, but wifi is an issue. 

My Adventures in Africa consist of 3 separate phases: pre, main, and post.

My travel companion, Karolyn, insisted on the Pre Trip and Post-Trip Extensions since as she said, "I probably won't be going back." I disagree and suspect I might be going back, but I signed up for all 3 weeks. I'm in the pre-trip phase.

Today is dedicated to game-viewing at the Thornybush Game Reserve. After a spot of tea, we embark on our "hunt" for herds of elephant, buffalo, antelope, zebra, and eland. Great guides to point out the wildlife. Dinner in the lodge tonight.

From the pre-trip brochure:  
A 34,595-acre private and intimate game reserve, Thornybush is bursting with wildlife, housing more than 500 bird species and 140 species of mammals, including the famed “Big Five.” This rugged landscape—mostly open savannah, complemented by the beautiful Drakensberg Escarpment in the distance—borders Kruger National Park and is ideal for spotting the rich diversity of game here. And because this is a private, isolated reserve, you’ll be able to enjoy activities like going off-road in search of elusive wildlife without the crowds

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wifi worse than dial up!

I was hoping to include some amazing pics of lions feeding on fresh kill (blood and guts), but wifi not strong enough to send pics.

Meeting people from other continents, learning about people who grew up nearby and trying to stay alive . . . snake on front porch yesterday and armed escorts take us to tents at night!

Friday, May 26, 2017

24 hour countdown...I did it!

My goal today was to be packed by noon, so I could walk the dogs, shower and generally goof off.

                                                          Packing for 3 weeks...

After consulting with my in house tech support, I have kept the cords, cards and devices to a minimum. Weight limit for 2 bags was 44 lbs...I came in at a fighting weight of 35 lbs...who needs underwear?!

Almost 17 hours?!

Last night my brother sent me one of these "Top Ten Lists" from youtube...
Top ten of the longest flights across the globe. I guess it is a looooong way from Atlanta to Johannesburg...we rated # 3...from the top!

And, no, I am not going 1st class, aka Jennifer Anniston stumbling around looking for the bar and shower.

Also last night, I started listening to an audiobook of African Travel Safari adventures (or misadventures). as in the elephants really wanting the road you are on, or hippos getting a bit too close to the canoe, or the friendly (?) hyena who roams about the camp.

I am sure none of this will happen to me. (Fingers crossed!)

Monday, May 22, 2017

Five-Day Countdown . . . Must Get Serious About Packing

Small duffle where I am supposed to pack for 3 weeks . . . ha, ha, ha!

Rick Steves swears by packing cubes . . . will give them a try.

Documenting electronics for insurance purposes . . . does this seem excessive? There is a super zoom bridge camera (just read where someone in Zimbabwe was flattened by an elephant), a waterproof camera for some dugout (read very unstable) canoe ride, a MiFi for a lame attempt to get internet where there is a cell tower (good luck with that), and of course, my trusty iPad to send out future reports from the wild.

And of course, all the things that keep life civilized. (Can you believe the tour company suggested condoms? Uh, I don't think so.) 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Seven Days and Counting

Karolyn DuBois, my traveling companion
After a year of researching options, making reservations, getting inoculations, and chatting back and forth with my travel companion, Karolyn, a friend with whom I worked in Florida, I have finally arrived at the one-week countdown to Africa. Whew!

Camera batteries are charged, compulsory tiny duffle mostly packed, and a massive amount of reading/listening material downloaded to occupy the 17-hour flight.

I suppose if I were the Queen of England or the Sultan of Abu Dhabi, some underling would pack for me. But, no, I am just me and I must pack myself. Because weight is very limited (small planes to crisscross the continent), I must choose very carefully what is essential and what I can do without . . . which is why smart packing is so important.

A few humorous observations in the form of Fashion Do's and Don'ts:
  • Don't wear white . . . it gets dirty. 
  • Don't wear black or blue . . . they attract tsetse flies. 
  • Don't wear camouflage . . . it's illegal in some countries and you could be arrested. 
And that, my friends, leaves beige, khaki, sand (or whatever you want to call dull, boring tan). 

Also, a word of caution for those of you planning your own trip:  Don't Read Too Much about the Wildlife!

As a wildlife lover and certified-tree-hugger, I have enjoyed getting acquainted with all the flora and fauna Africa can offer . . . well, almost all. Here in Mississippi as well as in Florida, I could identify all the poisonous snakes and frequently encountered them in my pursuit of adventures. Well, after studying ALL the poisonous snakes of Southern Africa, I decided that for all practical purposes, I would classify ALL as poisonous! 

Until we meet again! 

Possibly the the most beautiful city in the world...Cape Town

After weeks of rising before dawn, riding over dusty bumpy roads and being confined to a jeep because our lives literally depended on it... ...